


Option name Type Description
Duration Number

How long in seconds the timer will last for

Callback Function

Function to call once the update is finished

UpdateCallback Function

Function to call every time the Timer is updated

Tracks time elapsed and calls callback functions

timer.Timer = function(duration, callback, updateCallback) {
	this.started = Date.now();
	this.duration = duration;
	this.elapsed = 0;
	this.isDone = false;
	this.callback = callback || function() {};
	this.updateCallback = updateCallback || function() {};



Option name Type Description
DeltaTime Number

Time since last update

update a timer and see if it's done

timer.Timer.prototype.update = function(dt) {
	this.elapsed += dt;

	if(this.elapsed >= this.duration) {



Option name Type Description
DeltaTime Number

Time since last update, if present it means we want to call the Timer's callback

Stop a Timer from executing, and optionally call its callback function

timer.Timer.prototype.stop = function(dt) {
	if(dt) {

	// Set variables to cleanly delete (mainly stop calling functions)
	this.callback = function() {};
	this.updateCallback = function() {};
	this.isDone = true; // Mark as finished

// Users either create their own Timers, or use methods below
// If they do the latter, they created Timers will be put in this array
timer.timers = [];



Option name Type Description
DeltaTime Number

Time since last update

Helper function called internally to update all timers and delete them if they're done

timer.updateAll = function(dt) {
	for(var i=0; i<this.timers.length; i++) {

		if(this.timers[i].isDone) {
			this.timers.splice(i, 1); // Delete the finished Timer



Option name Type Description
Delay Number

How long to wait in seconds before calling the function

Callback Function

Function to call once the time has passed

Call a function after a given time in seconds

timer.after = function(delay, callback) {
	var timerObject = new this.Timer(delay, callback);
	return timerObject;



Option name Type Description
Duration Number

How long the update function should be called for in seconds

UpdateCallback Function

Function to call every frame

Callback Function

Function to call once the duration has elapsed

return Object

Timer The Timer object that was just made

Call a function every frame for a certain period of time

timer.during = function(duration, updateCallback, callback) {
	var timerObject = new this.Timer(duration, callback, updateCallback); 
	return timerObject;




Option name Type Description
Duration Number

Time in seconds the transition should take

Object Object

Object we should be tweening

Target Object

Endstate of object we want to reach

Method String

Tweening method to use (or make custom with a function)

Callback Function

Function to call once we're done

Change an object's value over time in a specific way

timer.tween = function(duration, object, target, method, callback) {
	// Tweening is a lot like using the during method
	// If method is a function use that, otherwise assume a string and figure out what the user is saying
	var updateMethod = typeof(method) === "function" ? method : this.__getUpdateFunction(method);

	var updateCallback = function(dt) {
		this.scalar = updateMethod(Math.min(1, this.elapsed/this.duration));
		this.ds = this.scalar - (this.prevS || 0);
		this.prevScalar = this.scalar;

		for(prop in target) {
			object[prop] += this.deltas[prop] * this.ds;

	var timerObject = new this.Timer(duration, callback, updateCallback);
	timerObject.deltas = {}

	// Set initial delta properties for multiplying by later
	for(prop in target) { 
		timerObject.deltas[prop] = target[prop] - object[prop];

	return timerObject;

// Functions based on HUMP's tweening methods, can be found here: https://github.com/vrld/hump
// Helper function to get update method
// Don't exposed to generated docs
timer.__getUpdateFunction = function(methodString) {
	if(this.tweenMethods[methodString]) {
		return this.tweenMethods[methodString];
	else if(methodString.substr(0, 3) === "in-") {
		var newMethodString = methodString.substr(3, methodString.length);
		return this.__getUpdateFunction(newMethodString);
	else if(methodString.substr(0, 4) === "out-") {
		var newMethodString = methodString.substr(4, methodString.length);
		return this.tweenMethods.out(this.__getUpdateFunction(newMethodString));

timer.tweenMethods = {
	linear: function(scalar) { 
		return scalar 
	quad: function(scalar) { 
		return scalar*scalar 
	cubic: function(scalar) { 
		return scalar*scalar*scalar 
	sin: function(scalar) { 
		return 1-Math.cos(scalar*Math.PI/2) 
	expo: function(scalar) { 
		return Math.pow(2, 10*(scalar-1)) 
	circ: function(scalar) { 
		return 1 - Math.sqrt(1-scalar*scalar) 
	out: function(f) {
		return function(scalar) {
			return 1 - f(1-scalar) 

module.exports = timer;