Enjin, a small JavaScript game engine
// enjin namespace does need to be reserved
window.enjin = {
version: "0.2.5",
//60 fps, only used if requestAnimFrame isn't supported
defaultDelay: 1000/60,
Option name | Type | Description |
Canvas | Object | Canvas for game to be played on |
Attach the enjin instance to a canvas
attach: function(canvas) {
enjin.canvas = canvas;
enjin.width = canvas.width || 0;
enjin.height = canvas.height || 0;
enjin.ctx = enjin.canvas.getContext("2d");
// Create the default state (basically trying to prevent errors)
enjin.currentState = {
update: function(dt) {},
render: function(dt) {}
Request initial frame and begin looping
start: function() {
enjin.previous = performance.now();
enjin.frameID = requestAnimFrame(enjin.loop);
// Let the currentState know we're starting (resuming)
if(enjin.currentState.start) {
Loop called by requestAnimFrame, finds dt then calls updates and renders
loop: function() {
enjin.now = performance.now();
enjin.dt = (enjin.now - enjin.previous)/1000 || 0;
enjin.previous = enjin.now;
enjin.ctx.save(); //save the current canvas drawing "settings"
enjin.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); //reset all canvas transforms so it clears correctly
enjin.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, enjin.width, enjin.height);
enjin.ctx.restore(); //restore the previous canvas drawing "settings"
//this thing is pretty smart, it should use the monitor's refresh rate as the fps
enjin.frameID = requestAnimFrame(enjin.loop);
Stop calling requestAnimFrame, stopping the game loop
stop: function() {
// Let the currentState know we're stopping (pausing)
if(enjin.currentState.stop) {
Option name | Type | Description |
Callback | Function | Function to call when the window changes size |
Helper for watching window resizing
watchForResize: function(func) {
window.onresize = func;
// Library requires
enjin.util = require('./libs/util');
enjin.Camera = require('./libs/camera');
enjin.timer = require('./libs/timer');
enjin.collision = require('./libs/collision');
enjin.state = require('./libs/state');
enjin.particle = require('./libs/particle');
----------[ POLLYFILLS ]----------
window.requestAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.msRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.mozRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.oRequestAnimationFrame
|| function(callback) { return window.setTimeout(callback, enjin.defaultDelay); };
window.cancelAnimFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.msCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.mozCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.oCancelAnimationFrame
|| function(id) { clearTimeout(id); };
window.performance.now = performance.now
|| performance.webkitNow
|| performance.msNow
|| performance.mozNow
|| function() { return Date.now() || +(new Date()); };